Tuesday, January 02, 1990

Copy As HTML JDeveloper Extension

While reading an entry in Duncan Mills blog, I saw that he was interested in a JDeveloper extension that would make it easier for him to cut and paste code from JDeveloper into his blog. Although my main blog isn't intended for technical readers, I could see how this would be useful, so I've put together an extension that will hopefully make life a little easier for Duncan (and others).

The extension, once installed through the Help -> Check for Updates... menu option, provides a preference page for the user to specify the format of the HTML produced:

Click on image to view full size

An Edit menu option is available, once text is selected within the editor, that will format the selected text based upon your preference and place it in the clipboard:

Click on image to view full size

You can then paste this content into your editor of choice, or directly into a blog entry etc.

Click on image to view full size

and its appearance within your preferred browser should be similar to that within the JDeveloper editor.

Click on image to view full size

The source code for this extension can now be accessed via http://code.google.com/p/jdev-copyashtml/.

posted at 12:01 am  

Monday, January 01, 1990

Trim Trailing Space JDeveloper Extension

The folks at Oracle recently accepted a small JDeveloper extension that I put together, which provides the user with a pop-up menu option to remove trailing white space from the current source file.

This capability is quite common amongst editors, but on inspection appeared to be missing from the list of capabilities provided by the built-in editor. It also served as a useful learning ground to become a little more familiar with the JDeveloper Extension SDK.

The extension is available, following installation through the Help->Check for Updates... menu option, by invoking the pop-up menu when editing any text document, as can be seen in the screen shot below:

Click on image to view full size

The extension should:

The source code for this extension can now be accessed via http://code.google.com/p/jdev-trimtrailingspaces/.

UPDATE: Many thanks to Gera Shegalov, who sent me a patch to include keyboard accelerator access to the same functionality, which is incorporated in version of the extension.

posted at 12:01 am