Monday, January 16, 2006

Family Weekend

Sara Elizabeth Staines

The weekend weather meant that everything was able to go to plan. As I had gotten pretty sweaty during the setting, Anna joined everyone else for the run itself while I watched the babies (Caitlin and Robert).

On Sunday it was my turn to do the running, around Pyrmont, before we set Caitlin down for the evening while we went to Pier Restaurant - although she hadn't quite been asleep when we left, we got a call to inform us that she was down soon after.

Meanwhile, in the UK, the Staines' were gathered to celebrate the birth of Sara Elizabeth - our best wishes to everyone there and great to hear that, aside from a long labour, everything is going well.


posted at 8:14 pm   0 comments

Friday, January 13, 2006

Birthday weekend


We've arranged for a friend to look after Caitlin while we go out for dinner on Sunday evening, but we'll be out and about for most of the weekend as:

Just hope that the predicted weather doesn't put a damper on our plans.


posted at 10:41 pm   0 comments

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Is that pie vegetarian?

McMahons Point

Our run this evening involved a ferry trip from the starting point, so that we could run back over the Harbour Bridge. The humidity we've had recently abated a little so that running over the bridge was a very enjoyable experience.

Due to some doubts over the weather, rather than having a barbecue at the finish we adjourned to the Blues Point Hotel for some food and drink. Whilst I pushed Caitlin around in her pram as she settled off to sleep, I left Anna in charge of organising the food with the instructions that I'd have anything vegetarian. Returning 15 minutes or so later, I was a little surprised to be greeted with a beef-and-mushroom pie with mash but, apparently, the menu didn't have any vegetarian choices available - very tasty it was too!


posted at 11:31 pm   0 comments

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A New Fan

New Shrews Fan

I think it was already Thursday the 12th here when it occurred but, after a long-ish labour, Tiziana and Richard have a brand new baby girl - our best wishes to the whole family!


posted at 11:25 pm   0 comments

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Who's due?

In the UK

The big news in the Staines family is that Anna's brother, Richard, and his wife Tiziana's new baby is due today (although they very rarely arrive on their due date). So we're all keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes as smoothly as possible for them all.

Meanwhile, I've uploaded the full set of photos from Anna and Caitlin's trip to the UK, but the photos from New Year haven't made it yet.


posted at 10:12 pm   0 comments

Monday, January 09, 2006

Starting Up...

A Hot New Year

We're back - Anna and Caitlin made it home safely and have just about beaten off the last of their jetlag. I'm starting a new role, working for Objective in their North Sydney office, which looks really interesting and means that I'll definitely be working in Sydney for the foreseeable future - plus I get to take the ferry to work every day.

As you may have heard, the weather in Sydney has been pretty warm lately; as the picture above will reveal (when clicked). So, Anna has been focussing her efforts on finding some part-time employment - so that she too can work in an air-conditioned office!


posted at 10:21 pm   0 comments