Friday, October 26, 2007
The week started off with Anna, and the rest of the Balmain Sinfonia, performing at Sydney Town Hall. The event, by all accounts, was a Sydney version of “Last Night at The Proms” - which meant that much of the music was relatively straightforward, but still a challenge as they had only had two weeks of rehearsals beforehand.
On Sunday, we decided to repeat out visit of a few weeks ago to Balmoral Beach. The sun was lovely and warm but, unfortunately, little-by-little the wind picked up to the point where it seemed we were in a minor sandstorm.
On Monday, Caitlin & James started back at our local child-care centre (just around the corner). Caitlin was delighted to be back with all of her friends, but James was understandably a little more reluctant. Anna has been busy applying for jobs while Caitlin and James were out of the house, but nothing has quite worked out yet.
posted at 9:39 pm 0 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
Toilet Fairy
Those of you who haven't made the transition to view our videos via iTunes may not be aware that we invested in an adaptor for our toilet seat, with the aim of trying to tempt Caitlin to use the toilet - you can see her first use for it was not exactly as intended.
After a couple of weeks of gentle encouragement, we decided that it was time to bite the bullet and make the transition away from nappies. Some friends of ours had mentioned that, to avoid any confusion, it was best to go straight from nappies to normal undies; so this week we bought some and changed Caitlin into them. Although we had a couple of accidents early in the week, as I write this we've had 3 consecutive days of zero accidents! It definitely helped when we introduced a star system, one for a “wee” and two for a “poo”, and set the goal of filling in a sheet of stars in return for a fairy dress that Caitlin had spotted.
On a separate note, we've also been enrolled into an article for the Essential Baby website - I volunteered at work, on short notice, to help them out so we'll see what appears next month...
posted at 9:26 pm 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Be Gone, Bogong
On Saturday, we headed down to Elkington Park for Oliver's, one of Caitlin's child-care conspirators, 3rd birthday party which was good fun. All the kids got their faces painted as either a lion/tiger (for the boys) or a butterfly (for the girls) - although when first asked which animal she'd like, Caitlin had decided on “elephant”.
Spring in Sydney means the annual visit of the Bogong moth which, although they are harmless enough, seem to manage to find their way into every room. Fortunately, they only normally seem to hang around for a couple of weeks before packing their bags for Canberra and beyond.
Finally, Anna has put the finishing touches to her portfolio so that she can now include an electronic version as part of her job applications, so fingers crossed that she finds something interesting shortly...
posted at 10:37 pm 0 comments
Friday, October 05, 2007
Labour Day Weekend
As Monday was a public holiday here, we took advantage of the great weather to get out-and-about:
- On Saturday, we headed out to Taronga Zoo - where Caitlin was very taken with the new elephants
- On Sunday, Anna & Caitlin headed over to Drummoyne for a first birthday party
- On Monday, we all headed to Balmoral for a play on the beach (or eating the beach in James' case)
posted at 10:02 pm 0 comments