Wednesday, December 29, 2004
O, come all ye faithful
Although some of you may disagree, I don't really mind working at this time of the year - plus, with the days until the baby is born decreasing, I don't really want to take any unnecessary holiday. As of today, we are six weeks from the estimated due date (not that it's likely to be born on that day). Anna is still progressing well but, as the baby goes through its stages of descending, she is becoming more uncomfortable at night - despite my reading of Bill Bryson. That, and the fact that some of her friends are due before her, has meant she is becoming increasingly keen for the baby to be born. I remember that both my brothers had their first child within days of each other, and I suspect it was a factor that when Peter & Debbie visited their new nephew Aaron, it spurred Debbie on to deliver Emily a few days earlier might otherwise have occurred. Chrisposted at 3:43 pm