Thursday, July 14, 2005


Magic Roundabout

Anna and Caitlin went to their mother-and-baby group yesterday, which went well, at one of the other mothers house. Apparently, as she was getting tired, Caitlin threw a minor fit when one of the other babies took a book from her - I've also noticed that while reading her a Magic Roundabout story, if the book gets too far away she gets upset. Of course, if I move it back close to her, then she quickly tries to stick the corner in her mouth...

Once I got home we were off to the shops for our regular trip, this time including some mashed apple for Caitlin, as well as Maltesers for Anna. I don't think I've mentioned before, but Caitlin has also moved up the nappy ladder to Crawler size now, although thankfully she hasn't actually started crawling just yet!


posted at 10:33 pm  


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