Friday, April 15, 2005

Meals on Wheels

Anna brought Caitlin into the city to meet me for lunch in the
QVB. We were sat at a cafe enjoying our lunch, when I happened to notice that the shop across from us had, as one of many items, some gollywogs displayed in their window. In the policitically-correct world that we live in it's been a while since I've seen a gollywog, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was somewhat unfortunate that the shop was called Just White. Anyhow, after lunch Anna went to explore more of the QVB to try and find a gift for great-grandma's birthday in May. Later that evening, since it was the 15th, we went out for dinner at our local favourite, Blue Ginger. Anna was a little concerned that Caitlin might get cranky, but force-feeding expressed milk soon alleviated any complaints that she might have raised. Chris

posted at 10:17 pm  


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