Monday, April 11, 2005

A re-sounding success

All went well at the Sinfonia yesterday, Anna and the rest of the symphony put together a very good performance, and Caitlin didn't have to leave the hall once during the show. In fact, it seems that she may well have got past her growth spurt, as she seems to have calmed down on her feeding regularity - although, I don't wish to speak too soon... The orchestra typically has a final rehearsal on the morning of the concert itself, and fortunately the weather was very nice, so that Caitlin and I could relax outside in the sun during this. We then joined Anna for her lunch, and Caitlin received lots of rave reviews, before the concert itself. For some reason, the venue for the concerts always seems to have the air-conditioning turned up to full blast, so I was glad that we had brought a few layers to wrap Caitlin up in. Chris

posted at 10:32 pm  


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