Thursday, April 07, 2005

Much ado, but what about?

Our run this evening was from just down the round at
The Bald Rock Hotel in Rozelle, which was good because it meant that we could just walk there rather than needing to do lots of packing and driving etc. Caitlin seemed happy enough in her pram on the walk there, but soon started to get a bit grouchy once the rocking motion of movement had stopped. Unfortunately, this theme continued for most of the evening - although, trying to put a positive spin on things, we think that she might be having a bit of a growth spurt as she's been demanding more food over the last day or two. I guess we'll see what the scales say in a week or two, she last weighed in at 4.33kg, and whether the increased demand translates into increased weight. Chris

posted at 11:04 pm  


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