Monday, January 10, 2005

New arrival

One of Anna's friends in Balmain, Alessandra, gave birth to a baby boy yesterday - so Anna is very keen to visit her and the new baby. Apparently we've been given the thumbs-up to visit this evening, so it'll be nice to catch up with them, and meet Aran (hope I've spelt that right). Anna's visit to the stand-in obstetrician went smoothly this morning, with her blood pressure and the babys' heartbeat being measured, and found to be very healthy. The gradual movement of the baby downwards continues, as the Braxton-Hicks contractions do their (at times uncomfortable) work. This weekend we were out getting a few more bits and pieces for the nursery, including:
and an Indian cotton rug for the dining room. I think we're pretty close to being ready-to-go for our new arrival, but there's still a little while to go yet - unless our visit to the hospital this evening kick-starts anything. Chris

posted at 3:13 pm  


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