Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter = Chocolate?


Over the past couple of weeks, Anna, Caitlin & I have all visited our new dentist for the first time in far too long. I was the dentist's first patient and, despite having not been to the dentist this millenium, he gave me a pretty much clean bill of health - I could be wrong, but I got the feeling that Anna was disappointed with his verdict! Anna & Caitlin followed a few days later for a “family appointment”, with both again getting a solid thumbs-up.

James, meanwhile, has started to show some serious interest in crawling and has just about mastered rolling in the last few days. His latest trick is to roll over on to his stomach, and then bury his face into the floor as he tries to move forward with his legs. I remember Caitlin doing much the same thing, but James seems to have reached this stage earlier - it's probably a reaction to everyone else in the house being mobile.


posted at 9:58 pm  


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...or could it be that James' crawling and rolling behaviour is copying his Dad after a Saturday night out? Or will the censor ban this comment?
Anonymous of BG

9:03 am  

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