Friday, March 23, 2007

Passport Fun


Anna's latest concert with Balmain Sinfonia took place on Sunday afternoon, and everything went well. As I was looking after Caitlin & James, I didn't have chance to see the performance, but a couple of our hashing friends came along and seemed very impressed with the standard.

Anna didn't have much luck with her passport application(s) for James this week. She had organised an appointment for Monday morning, but realised once she had got ready to go that she had left her house keys in the car. The problem, however, was that the car was parked in our backyard, which you can only get to if you can get out of the back door (which, of course, was locked)!

So, on Tuesday, she tried again but this time was knocked back by the woman at the Post Office because one of the counter-signers had used a blue pen, rather than black. Meanwhile, I've also been filling in the application for his British passport so that, in a few weeks, James will have his dual nationality all done!


posted at 9:44 pm  


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