Friday, March 09, 2007
Playing the Spoons
Caitlin has always had a reputation for being a good eater at day-care, but she's not always quite as keen at home. As we've come to realise over the past few weeks, most of this comes down to simply preferring to eat with other people. If we all sit at the table together to eat, then Caitlin not only wants her food but yours too - if we're trying to feed her without eating ourselves, then she's generally less interested. Of course, there's never a problem if the food on offer is a “biccy”!
With James rapidly approaching the three-month mark, he's starting to take an interest in what other people are up to, and will move his head to follow you around - not that he's got full control just yet, but it's getting there.
Finally, a couple more videos for those following along:
posted at 9:58 pm