Wednesday, September 28, 2005

In the Pen

Hair Style

First up, Sarah requested a shot of Anna's new hair style - however, as I've found out, getting pictures of Anna is no easy task, so the best I can offer currently is the small picture above; which you can click on to view in its original size (big!).

Anna was able to make some progress with her drawing exercises yesterday, but in order to do so she had to "pen" Caitlin into her play-pen, otherwise she was far too eager to make a bee-line for the various objects that we'll need to secure in the near future! However, once penned in Caitlin was happy to amuse herself as long as Anna wasn't too far away.

Finally, for those of you with a few seconds to spare, Google has verified a couple of very short videos that I uploaded from our trip to Botany Bay. Plus, they have altered their interface to allow you to view the video as big as your browser window. Click on the video link at the top to see the latest additions.


posted at 9:58 pm  


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