Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Food, glorious food


Caitlin's diet has been steadily widening over the last couple of months, from a spoon of rice cereal each day, to the current stage of three (small) cups of veggies & fruit a day. Along with that, of course, her taste buds are also kicking in and she is starting to show a preference for certain things. After their music lesson, Anna got some lentils while she was out shopping and made up a batch of lentil-based puree which Caitlin seems to think is the best thing since sliced bread - or at least much better than the mashed carrot!

As they run a four-semester college year here, this week also marks the end of Anna's first semester of her graphic design course. It hardly seems like any time since she started, but that's probably because I'm accustomed to three-term years. The final night of this semester, Anna is attending one of the lectures given by people "in the industry" at UTS, which should provide a bit more insight into the day-to-day skills required.


posted at 7:28 pm  


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