Thursday, August 25, 2005

Homo Erectus

Caitlin sitting up

Anna and Caitlin went out to their mother-and-baby group yesterday and, after they returned, Anna placed Caitlin on her playmat. Although Anna had to help her get into position, she was able to sit up without flopping over for the first time! On the way back home Anna had also stopped into our local baby shop, One Fish Two Fish, as they have a sale on at the moment and she managed to snaffle a couple more suits at a good price.

When I got home, we were quickly off out again to set the trail for the run tonight; Anna was carrying Caitlin in the Baby Bjorn and she soon dropped off to sleep. Anna could tell that she had dropped off because Caitlin seemed to weigh more - seems odd doesn't it, since she doesn't actually weigh any more when she goes to sleep.


posted at 9:54 pm  


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