Friday, February 01, 2008
The excitement this week centred around enrolment for our local pre-school, just up the road in Birchgrove, accepting applications from 9:00am on Wednesday morning. We had heard, through a variety of sources, that people often queue up for hours beforehand to try and secure their spot, so I was allocated the task of joining the line in the early hours on Caitlin's behalf.
Rumour had it that, last year, a 4:00am start was par for the course so, with my iPod loaded, I walked up to the school just before 2:00am. Unsure exactly where we were supposed to be lining up, I sat down close to the main office. I didn't have to wait long until another Dad came and joined me, but with the query “is this the right spot?” - good question, and one of which I was unsure as to the answer. So, promising to save each others place, he went and investigated while I sat tight.
Only a few minutes had passed when he returned muttering that he had found the queue, and there were already some “twenty to thirty” people in front of us. However, the ridiculousness of the situation meant that everyone was very friendly and talkative to keep each other going for the hours ahead. We won't find out until later this year whether we were successful but, odd though it sounds, it was actually quite good fun just hanging out and chatting with all the other parents in the same boat!
posted at 11:19 pm