Friday, January 25, 2008

Almost Australia-n Day


Predictably enough, with Anna & I both due to be working full-time this week, a minor illness arrived on the scene. On Sunday James developed a temperature and a visit to the doctor on Monday confirmed that he had, for a second time, developed tonsillitis - as before, the antibiotics have done the trick and he is much better now, but he did have a sore throat for a couple of days.

With Australia Day looming, it seemed fitting that Anna received confirmation that she has completed the last-but-one step towards becoming Australian, by attending (and passing) her citizenship interview. There has been some controversy about the introduction of a citizenship test here in Australia, but because we applied a little while ago we only need to attend a more straightforward interview (mine is in a couple of weeks).

Finally, we got around to taking some video of James Walking - he's been mobile for around two weeks now, and seems to be getting the hang of it pretty well!


posted at 9:24 pm  


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