Friday, August 03, 2007
Visits here and visits there
While I was enjoying some unseasonably warm sunshine in Sydney, Anna & the kids were on a visiting marathon of some relatives in the Chesterfield area - followed by a couple of days staying with James' godparents; Helen and Ash. They'll all be heading down to Lyme Regis next week, for a family beach holiday, so hopefully the weather will play nicely.
Meanwhile, I was joining up with some of our hashing friends for the “Christmas-in-July” trip to Katoomba. I decided to head up on Saturday morning, rather than Friday night, to be sure that I didn't fall asleep while driving - which also meant that I was feeling a bit more lively than those people who had availed themselves of the facilities the previous night.
Finally, a few more home videos are now available for your viewing pleasure:
posted at 7:43 pm