Friday, June 15, 2007
Broken String
The week started with a trip to “Baby Things” to return James' capsule, and upgrade to a forward-facing car seat. After looking at the various options, it made most sense to get a new bigger seat for Caitlin, and for James to inherit her old seat. He looked a little hesitant about the idea at first, but seems to have become more accustomed to it over the next few days - watch his reaction.
On Sunday, Anna was playing in the latest concert with Balmain Sinfonia - but had the mis-fortune to have her A-string break early on during the performance (although not while she was playing). She was able to change the string over but, and I wasn't aware of this, new strings take a little while to “bed down” so that they consistently produce the anticipated sound.
posted at 9:26 pm