Friday, October 20, 2006
Rain, rain go away?
Predictably enough, and after some near-record temperatures on Saturday, the weather took a sharp downturn for Rachel, Graham and Emily's arrival. However, despite the average weather, they did very well to get out and about on Monday and keep themselves awake until around 10pm that night - in an effort to adjust timezones as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, one of Anna's work colleagues, David, was attending the (Caesarean) birth of his second child at the same hospital that we're due to attend in December. They were having a boy this time around, having had a girl as their first child - hmm, coincidence. It wasn't until later in the week that we discovered that they also had the same obstetrician, Dr Brieger, that we have - no coincidence that it was also a Monday after all! Apparently everything went smoothly, so we hope for the same good luck in a couple of months time.
posted at 9:15 pm