Monday, May 16, 2005


As expected, the weekends' activities were focussed around the Baptism service on Sunday. Two of Caitlin's godparents, Graham and Rachel, arrived on Friday night and we joined them for a drink on Saturday evening; leaving the two grandmothers in charge of Caitlin. When we returned home we found her stuffed-to-the-gills with milk, so that all I had to do was put her in the cot and she was fast asleep. On Sunday, our other godparent, Amy, arrived and everyone started getting organised for the service itself. The timing of Caitlin's feeding meant that we were a little concerned that she might be a bit grizzly by the time she was having her head wet; but we needn't have worried as she seemed fascinated by all the attention, and was as quiet as a mouse for the Reverend. Following the service, and the obligatory series of photos (which I'll upload once I have them), we headed over to the village hall for some food & drinks. The weather was particularly nice, so we were also able to make use of the lovely garden at the back of the hall, and had a thoroughly pleasant afternoon. Thanks to everyone that was able to join us for the day, and also for the generous gifts that we received for Caitlin - we really weren't expecting so many! Chris

posted at 9:23 pm  


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