Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Special Video

It was a day for baby-related activities yesterday. First of all, Anna was visiting the obstetrician to undergo a variety of tests, including the
glucose test. Circumstances conspired to make the last appointment very rushed, but there was more chance to meet with the doctor this time. He did his normal review of blood pressure and fundal size, and concluded that things were pretty much within the expected norms, so hopefully all will go well with the final results to the various laboratory tests. In the evening it was time for our regular ante-natal class - lots of good information on parentcraft. The highlight, however, was watching a video filmed locally regarding, for want of a better phrase, "how special it was to be a parent and taking notice of the interactions with your baby". By chance, we happened to have seen one of the mothers featured in real-life a few weeks before and, by the looks of her now-toodler-aged son wandering around alone and eating rocks off the floor, I'm guessing the "special-ness" has worn off! Chris

posted at 2:45 pm  


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